Gross-net optimization as an employee benefit


A simple approach to improving employee satisfaction in mid-sized companies

In today’s fast-paced business world, employee satisfaction is a critical factor for the competitiveness and growth of mid-sized companies. Good and motivated employees are the biggest driver of successful software companies. Therefore, it is important to us to let employees participate in success from the start. High employee satisfaction not only contributes to employee retention but also strengthens the company’s position in the competition.

At FLEX, we recognize the importance of this challenge and are committed with our People Team to specifically optimize areas such as compensation and benefits. These areas are often not fully exploited in SMEs due to limited resources.

An approach that we now use in our portfolio companies and that has received a lot of positive feedback is gross-net optimization as an employee benefit.

PDF Gross-Net-Optimization ready to download

Senior People Project Manager Lars Meyer has summarized our strategy for gross-net optimization at FLEX and portfolio in a PDF.

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