Introducing a second management level as a game-changer


Key successes

  • Egoditor – Appointing CFO, VP Sales & Marketing, VP Product, and Director Business Operations positions
  • Nitrado – Filling CFO and COO positions, as well as engaging an experienced advisory board
  • ComX – Appointing Director Finance and Director Operations & People positions
  • Appointing Group CEO and CFO positions for the EVEX and OMS Groups


Bootstrapped hidden champions are often led both operationally and strategically by the founders. To reach the next level of growth, the organization needs an experienced C-level team for various business areas. If possible, entrepreneurs should delegate operational tasks in day-to-day operations to experienced experts, allowing them to focus on strategic matters.

FLEX Capital has supported portfolio companies as follows:

Support from FLEX Capital

FLEX Capital hat die Portfoliounternehmen dabei folgendermaßen unterstützt:

  • Advising on strategic workforce planning and structuring the future management team
  • Access to the FLEX network; introduction of suitable talents from the FLEX network
  • Advisory support for the often very small in-house HR teams in the hiring process.
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*FLEX Capital ist ein Private-Equity-Buyout-Investor mit Spezialisierung auf den Softwaresektor. Wir verfügen über maßgebliche Expertise bei der Unternehmensbewertung in diesem Segment.

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*FLEX Capital is a private equity buyout investor specializing in the software sector. We have significant expertise in company valuation in this segment..