Success story

Successful merger of leading ERP software solutions for audiologists and opticians

Amparex GmbH, IPRO GmbH
ERP software for opticians & audiologists
Leinfelden-Echterdingen & Leonberg
Invested in
Key successes
Successful merger of leading ERP software solutions for audiologists and opticians – now a European leader

Increase in EBITDA over the last three years by 238%

Successful formation of the EVEX Group through close cooperation between the companies Amparex and IPRO

Successful launch of a first joint product as the initial step of a collaborative product roadmap

Alexander Schröder, CEO of IPRO
“We have initiated the transition to a SaaS revenue model at IPRO by defining basic and add-on packages for opticians and audiologists. Starting from January 2023, we will offer the SaaS option to all potential new customers – a first for IPRO and a change that I am very excited about.”

About the EVEX Group

The EVEX Group consists of two software medium-sized companies, IPRO GmbH and AMPAREX GmbH. AMPAREX is a leader in the market for software solutions for hearing care professionals, while IPRO specializes in software for opticians. The group leverages the deep industry knowledge and successful software solutions of both companies, capitalizing on economies of scale and new technological potentials to offer a unique value proposition to “other service providers” in the healthcare sector.

Both companies provide their customers with an all-in-one service, offering software, hardware, and support in a comprehensive package. AMPAREX offers an ERP Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution that covers essential functions from customer management to invoicing for various service providers. IPRO stands out in the market with a modular ERP software solution, allowing a high degree of customization in terms of software features.

In the future, customers of the corporate group will benefit from a shared, cloud-based product called AMiRO. This innovative solution builds upon the existing and familiar offerings while incorporating new technological advancements.

Interview with Martin Himmelsbach

100% Support

FLEX provided advisory support in the following measures:

Successful integration of management teams and appointment of Group CEO and CFO

Development of comprehensive systems and control mechanisms to strengthen corporate leadership and reporting

Assistance with pricing analyses and competitive comparisons

Defining a unified product strategy and roadmap and shaping a cross-company product development team

Gradual SaaS transformation of IPRO through new package modules

Implementation of new price and quantity tiers for retail chains

Successful launch of a first joint product, an app for eyewear consultation for opticians, offered as an add-on to the existing ERP solutions

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*FLEX Capital ist ein Private-Equity-Buyout-Investor mit Spezialisierung auf den Softwaresektor. Wir verfügen über maßgebliche Expertise bei der Unternehmensbewertung in diesem Segment.

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*FLEX Capital is a private equity buyout investor specializing in the software sector. We have significant expertise in company valuation in this segment..