Nitrado becomes the global leader in game server hosting


Key successes

  • Acquisition of two leading companies in Minecraft server hosting in the English-speaking market, Apex and MCProHosting.
  • Positioning as the global leader in Minecraft hosting and becoming the number one in the game server hosting sector


Nitrado had been a market leader in Europe for a long time. Through these acquisitions, the market presence in the world’s most important gaming market was expanded.

Support from FLEX Capital

FLEX provided consulting support to Nitrado on the following:

  • Communication with the companies leading up to the contract negotiation.
  • Strategic planning and formation of the group
  • Successful integration and utilization of the core competencies of each respective company.

“I’m thrilled to collaborate with John and Seth in the future. Having a robust Minecraft server hosting presence in the USA coupled with strong marketing expertise has been our dream as we contemplated our buy-and-build activities. This dream came true through the transaction with Apex Hosting. What makes this deal particularly special for me is that Seth and John possess a highly entrepreneurial drive that will aid us in discovering new business opportunities and turning this story into a success!”

“MCProHosting has been in the market for several years and has been a competitor of ours. Therefore, I’m very pleased to welcome MCProHosting to the Nitrado group and collaborate with Pedro and Dusty. Together, we will provide an exceptional gaming experience and introduce a new range of products.”

– Marcel Bößendörfer, founder of Nitrado

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